
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter. is really a day of beauty.. Believe this is the only thing that says Easter, pretty sad if I say so myself.   What makes it sadder Santa has taken up residence in our entry.
after awhile you get to overlook him, don't know how considering he's 6 foot plus!

corner of back yard with hostas, periwinkles, rex begonia


petunias along with pineapple sage saliva

birdbath with maidenhair fern, moss & sedum -
Mom, & Keith came over for lunch we grilled for the first time since we've been here.  Everything turned out good except the ribs - I'll never make the mistake of using another recipe. 

Our yard as I call it the yard from hell...I have really work hard but you can't tell it. I go forward and then 10 steps backward. Now have professional yard company just to do the weeds and whatever else that keeps popping up.  I miss my old yard nice great thick green san Augustine grass and my yard guy. why can't I have that here? why why why NOT.  gripes my butt.....I'll keep plugging at it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

another day

so today I went to see my cardiologist - came home with the monitor for 24 hours.  seems like my heart racing which sometimes feels like it could just jump out of your chest. looking into why my blood pressure keeps jumping from the lows to the highs and back.  if nothing comes out of that well then onto the doppler and ct on the head. have been told I'm a bit ditzy!
one good thing got home before rush hour which can make a stress free day turn into one of roadrage day at times. just go with the flow.

under the capony of clementis
hummm...checking on a new bleeding heart that was coming up in the garden's m.i.a.  do squirrels like the bulbs? if so - adios. but that won't keep me from planting a replacement one way or other I will win. maybe.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Bubba, was recently diagnosed with kidney failure...

down time

something Bill & I hated to hear especially when he's the kinda of kitty that is so easy going and the protector of the others in the house.  Bub loves to pick your purse and whatever else that is not nailed down.  Many times had to find glasses, cell phone (have no idea how he could carry that off - go figure).  can hear him hollering with a toy just to drop it off at your feet for a "good Bubba" and a head rub.

Friday, April 15, 2011

OH NO!!!

Well it finally happen my hard drive went kaput on my laptop. did not I repeat did not backup any of this.  just crymeariver.  my photos of my orchids that finally decided to bloom were on it -a great pic. of Mom & Lulu together.  but hey I'll take new ones. just remember most of Billy's pics. of his truck was on it.  oh well.......I'll break the news to him later!

the weather has been great in fact heading out the door to do some planting.  later.